1995 - 2001

"Original Thoughts Available Here!"

Final Version

Something Monthly


We're Back... Well, Sort Of!

In an attempt to salvage the pieces and parts that were once one of the first "social networking"/blogging sites on the Internet, we decided to publish one final version of Something Monthly! Instead of trying to get the four of us to write new content (which ain't gonna happen) we have instead tried to give a feel for what this site was like when we were somewhat faithful to update it - many years ago!!

Most of our "monthly" issues started like this...


Well, we're late - as usual! (From May 2001)


As always we are running late...(From June 2001)


Yeah, so we were a couple of days late again... (From September 2001)


We are a bit rushed and a bit late, but we tried to get this out as soon as possible. (From November  2001)

And that's just 4 examples!! A few times in our 6 year run (print and online) we actually skipped months :) It got so bad that we had readers referring to SM as "Sometimes Monthly!" Although we were trying to take SM seriously, the fact that half of the content in each issue/update was anything but serious (see "Of the Month") made that basically impossible. So trying to get 4 guys to commit to a deadline was also impossible! Thus we were always running late. Truth be told, all these years later we're still running late :-)

Our final version

The last official issue of SM was November 2001. In that issue we actually said, "We will try to put up December as early in the month as possible so that you don't have as long to wait this time!" With the busy holiday season that statement went unfulfilled and when 2002 brought changes to each of our lives (don't worry, they were all good) SM went on hiatus. We did use the site to announce new arrivals so the faithful could see pictures of the next generation of SMers but other than that the site has remained dormant. We have wanted to reconfigure the site to commemorate those fun years, if only for the few that remember them, and that time has finally come.

The right hand column is basically as it was throughout the online years. We actually would use the Papa John's link to order pizza when we would get together to plan the next SM issue, but have yet to receive any kick-back for all the free advertising! Each of the buttons on the left lead to the last new content uploaded from the 4 of us exactly as it appeared on those pages November 2001 (minus one thing from Bebo Land). The SM Archives button will allow you to enjoy the best of the online version of SM and is where you will get the most bang for your buck. We hope that as you begin to browse through this snapshot into our past that you will find something worthwhile.

From print versions to online versions we not only learned how hard it is to create/edit a monthly newsletter/website, but also just how much fun the four of us can have reminiscing and contemplating our silly little lives. We often found ourselves laughing so hard that we would beg for a chance just to catch our breath, or end up crying (from laughing so hard, not because we were touched by something one of us said) while we held our sore stomachs. That time in our lives will always be remembered as the SM years! So sit back and relive the past with us; who knows, maybe Something Monthly can entertain you one more time!

Thanks for dropping by.- Ben, Shawn, Todd and Stuart

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Welcome to
Something Monthly
(or simply SM)!

Born as a newsletter in June of 1995, SM has gone through a lot of changes! But in the words of Todd and Shawn our founders, SM will always be "just a major overview of the important things in life".
What exactly is
Something Monthly?

It's not PMS, it's not Church
and it's not what bathing
should be. It's a cool way of keeping up with 4 guys
from Lynchburg, Virginia.
Enjoy a Papa John's pizza while browsing SM!
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  All material property of SomethingMonthly.com unless otherwise noted
This website was created by
Whitaker designs
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